Sometimes you simply do not have the money to buy the right part or hire the right handyman to fix a problem with your house or home. Now there is a space on the web dedicated to crazy low-budget do-it-yourself home repairs done on the cheap, such as the strange-but-functional hot water solution shown above.

Some of these are as much funny as they are useful, such as the popcorn-based fire alarm system – it would have to get a bit too hot for this to function but the effort is at least humorous.

Others are born of necessity, the so-called mother of invention, from bathroom water workarounds and snow refrigerators to line-drying plates and coat-hangar toilet paper rolls.

From the makers of ICanHasCheezbuger, ThereIFixedIt is well on its way to becoming the next bizarre internet phenomenon for people who are all too familiar with duct-tape solutions to everyday home problems. Sometimes, the ingenuity is honestly kind of mind boggling. Maybe the architects of these bizarre DIY projects didn’t exactly have the skills to pull off a quality repair, but the effects range from “just as good as the real thing, in the end” to terrifyingly dangerous.

Usually, they’re the sort of dismaying combination of funny and unsafe that will make the moderately competent DIY-er feel more confident about their skills. For instance, there’s a missing fire extinguisher replaced by a bottle of water on a string, and a grimace-inducing photo of crutches holding up a porch roof overhang.

Sometimes, upcycling and low-budget creativity combine to create stuff that’s truly cool, if still pretty off the wall, like this car interior with a ship’s wheel in place of a steering wheel and an upside down bottle of vodka as a gear shifter (hope this guy doesn’t get pulled over.)

There’s a whole subReddit devoted to the theme, as well. r/ThereIFixedIt has all the same familiar types of fix-it flubs and brilliant yet crappy repairs as the original site, with new content posted daily by its 60K+ members.