For a little summer fun, you could use IKEA-style plans to construct your own time-and-space-ship or turning your computer cables into wall art. Alternatively, you might turn your pursuits to something a tad more practical, like creating an instant laptop case from an old hooded sweatshirt or making old books into new planters. Click the image links below for more pictures of and information on each design or idea:


Either way, there is sure to be something in this collection of fifty do-it-yourself projects, ideas and concepts to tickle your fancy. And if you don’t find what you are looking for in the 50 expandable thumbnails above, be sure to check out the DIY Category on Dornob for other, new and different projects.

Some of these project concepts come with pragmatic plans and material lists, while others are intended to spark your imagination. Many may help you make your place more organized, reusing at-hand materials in cheap and novel ways. Others will render your condo more colorful through simple interventions. Still others can assist as you simplify and reorganize your home, making it more conducive to day-to-day living without excessive expense.