Dog owners may get a lot out of having their furry friends around, but they also have to give a lot of care. Taking Poochy for a walk can almost seem like an outing with an infant: you have to take along the poop bags, the treats, the water dish and throw in a flashlight if you’re going out after dark.

The Smart Dog Leash is kind of like the diaper bag of the doggy world – or the Swiss Army knife if you aren’t fond of the baby analogy. It has everything you need to make your walk with your furry baby nice and relaxing. It includes all of the necessities mentioned above, plus the leash itself is retractable with an ergonomic handle. It even has a digital watch in the handle so you can see just how long you’ve been out on your adventure.

You’ll still have to bring your own water bottle to fill up Fido’s collapsible water bowl, but that’s a welcome change from having to gather everything before walking out of the door. Unfortunately for Mastiff lovers, this leash is only recommended for small to medium dogs.

From NewAtlas:

“The creator of the Smart Dog Leash has clearly walked his share of dogs, probably two at a time, possibly possessing the exact characteristics of Duncan and Bambi. The smart leash essentially thinks for the dog owner, organizing everything he or she could possibly need for a daily walk around the block and some things (s)he’ll need for a longer hike or adventure.”

“It all begins with the basics: a retractable leash with ergonomic handle. Like a few other leashes out there, it also has a place to store doggie bags. From there it really sets itself apart with an LED flashlight, handy for night walks; an LCD clock, handy for time-sensitive walks; and a built-in water bowl handy for long, hot, panting walks. It even has a container for storing treats, which any warm-blooded canine will tell you is handy for every walk and all the minutes in between.”

“So now, instead of spending 10 minutes running around the house to gather the baggies, flashlight, collapsible bowl, treats, etc., you can focus on getting Bambi and Duncan to sit still long enough to get their leashes clipped – or whatever relevant countermeasures you take against your dog’s pre-walk routine. That seems worth the US$26, assuming your dog fits the description of “small to medium.”

Smart Dog Leash

  • Recommended for small & medium dogs
  • Box 9.5″x8″
  • Leash 6.5″x5″x3″”