If you’ve ever had a house cat that starts to get a bit fat and lazy after a while, you know how important it is for cats – particularly those to live indoors full-time – to get regular exercise. Usually this consists of chasing after little cloth mice filled with catnip or running around trying to catch that infernal bouncing red laser dot, but a giant hamster wheel called One Fast Cat will stimulate their hunting and activity instincts in a different way.

Running on the wheel keeps away the cat boredom, which can lead to bad behavior or even cat depression. Unlike other cat toys and distractions, One Fast Cat isn’t so ugly that you’ll want to hide it away in the spare bedroom. It looks somewhat like a minimalist sculpture that can sit out in your living room, ready for your cat to jump on anytime he wants to go for a run. It’s great for all cats, but chonkers in particular will get a lot out of using an exercise wheel like this.

As intuitive as the design may seem to us, cats need to be trained to use the One Fast Cat wheel. Once they are trained, however, most owners find that their cats hop on and start running on their own. The open design lets felines jump into the wheel from either side, and the easy movement lets Whiskers get some fun and easy exercise with no frustration. The easy-clean surface and choice of traction pad colors are just the icing on the pet owner’s cake.

The designers were intent on creating a product that was inexpensive, attractive, and simple to assemble. The resulting product ships in pieces and can be assembled by one person in less than ten minutes. The designers took their idea to Kickstarter to raise funds for a first production run. The project was wildly successful, raising the requested amount many times over. After the product enters production it will be available for $199 (USD) including shipping.