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Remember a very, very recent time when standing desks were all the rage and doctors were telling us that sitting down to work was as bad for our health as smoking? Well, that’s actually still true, but now you can quit pretending to be ok with standing up all day at work because the LeanChair is about to switch things up a little.

standing leaning desk

The LeanChair is technically a standing desk, but the difference is that, as you might have guessed, you get to lean back a little while you work. It looks like a tall chair without the seat, with a standing platform at the bottom and a work surface that swings out of the way when you’re stepping onto and off of the platform.

leaning standing desk

Leaning is a natural physiological response to standing for a prolonged period. The reclining position takes pressure off of your spine and weight off of your legs, making you feel way more comfortable without giving in to the urge to sit. LeanChair’s inventor, Wayne Yeager, says that the leaning desk takes about 25% of your body weight off of your feet. Your body will thank you for that little kindness.

You can use LeanChair with your existing standing desk or just use the removable work surface that comes with it. Either way, you get your butt out of a chair and you don’t have to deal with the physical and mental torture of standing for an entire workday. The project is on Kickstarter and has completely demolished its modest goal of $25,000. A standard pledge of $295 – about a quarter of the cost of a fancy standing desk – gets you a complete LeanChair.