Lamborghini is an iconic brand that represents the height of German and Italian engineering, innovation, and design. Green technology, though, probably doesn’t come to mind when picturing the sporty rides made by this company. The new Lamborghini Sián hybrid, complete with a $2 million price tag, wants to change that.

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In the search for new ways to power cars with less reliance on fossil fuels, car manufacturers are investing in their R&D departments to generate new battery and engine designs. With the Sián, Lamborghini is trying out a variation on the bulkier, slower charging lithium ion batteries that currently dominate the market.

The solution with which they’re experimenting is supercapacitors. With a name like that, it’s a natural choice for supercars. One advantage of supercapacitors is that they weigh about one-third as much as a traditional battery. That’s a win off the starting line when calculating weight distribution. Located behind the seats at the front of the Sián’s engine, the supercapacitor is accessible without being noticeable.