If your linen closet is looking sad and messy, maybe it’s time to update your sheet-folding skills. According to The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking, there are four simple techniques to fold your sheets to make them look as guest ready as the sheets in home decorating magazines.

Step One: Fold the fitted sheet in half, wrong sides together.  Tuck the elastic corners inside each other.
Step two: Fold it in half again, tucking the elastic corners inside each other once more. Lay out on bed or table and smooth into a nice square or rectangle (depending on the size of your sheet).
Step 3: Fold fitted sheet into thirds lengthwise.
Step 4:  Now fold in thirds the other way.

The simple-to-follow instructions all start out the same way: folding the fitted sheet into a neat little flat package. The top sheet is then folded in the same way. The difference between the four methods is only in the way the pillowcase is folded. You can make the sheet set look like a little gift waiting to be opened, or tuck the sheet set inside the pillowcase and fold it neatly.

Folding sheets neatly is a learned skill, so don’t be discouraged if they don’t look Martha Stewart perfect on the first try. However, perfection isn’t necessary – unless you really are Martha Stewart. Speaking of – naturally, she has some of her own tips for folding bedsheets and more tips for keeping your linen closet organized. Here’s a snippet:

“There’s something incredibly satisfying about opening up the linen closet to see not unholy chaos but color-coded bundles neatly tied in a bow. To keep bed linens organized, fold each set-pillowcases and both top and fitted sheets-and wrap with a 1 1/2-yard square of fabric inspired by Japanese furoshiki. Then, using like colors, coordinate the sets by room or by sheet size, and shelve them together. This method makes finding the linen set you need a snap.”