Everywhere we look things are branded, from the classics (cattle) to our everyday household products (the carton of milk from the very same cows) – but what would the design statements of packaged objects be like without their associated brand? Cigarette manufacturers, for example, maybe have to stop using individualized designs to sell their stuff, but will it stop people from smoking?

It seems strange that we buy things that are, in part, advertisements for the companies from which we purchased them. One clever and simple way to counteract this continuous messaging is with brand-free labels like the ones in the image above from Debranded Home – just an example from a vast array of generic sticker-makers who let you control your own de-branded images.

Difuser takes it a step forward, and actually calculates the ‘value’ of brand space on an individual pedestrian at over $1000/month – perhaps we should be getting paid rather than paying to wear designer clothes. For other brand-averse individuals who still want particular design objects, they also recommend buying items from which brands can be most easily removed or at least obscured. It is of course a personal choice: do you mind displaying brands or would you rather creatively work around having to wear them?

“To avoid free advertising to brands, we propose 2 solutions:

  1. Do not buy products that may meet our needs but, also try to use us as “billboard people”
  2. Buy products that do not show off his trademark.
  3. Buy products that, while taking the brand visible, this is easy to hide or remove.

Debranding is a term that intend to coin an attitude: We can succumb to the charms that a brand can offer, but in no way are we going to do free advertising for them. Removing or covering the brand, it becames a generic product, according to our anti advertising principles.”