There is something engaging and innovative but classic and timeless about this stylish series of furniture ads. Using simple white animated text on a brown background, the story literally builds into pieces of furniture shaped from the words on the screen.

Created as part of a marketing campaign for Steelcase, these videos are not ‘viral’ in any traditional sense of the word – they are old-school advertisements that simply use new technologies to communicate timeless ideas. The fully-built pieces have words at various font sizes, sort of like a weighted tag cloud found on the sides of a website that indicate terms most used or otherwise relevant to the page.

Please note: this is not a solicited review of any sort, nor an endorsement of these products – the visuals were simply striking and seemed to warrant sharing with a wider audience. If anything, you may see these stills and watch the video only to conclude that you wish the company did indeed produce and sell text-covered ‘font furniture’ you could buy in real life.

The brand was young,” says the advertising firm Hunt Adkins. “The market was competitive and rapidly evolving. We needed to not only stand out, but also drive conversation within the industry. Approach: leverage Steelcase’s evidence-based design process and fresh, insightful innovation.”

About Hunt Adkins

“Hunt Adkins is a creative brand consultancy that solves business problems by interweaving modern culture, commerce and technology for future-defining brands. For over 30 years, we have helped brands in and outside the health care space accelerate bottom-line growth. We are business builders and opportunists that relish in the details and exceed expectations.”

About Steelcase

“Steelcase leads the way in creating great experiences by offering a range of architecture, furniture and technology products and services designed to help people reach their full potential. Together with our partners, we design spaces to help people work, learn and heal.”