Hush Pod by Freyja Sewell

Ever feel like wrapping yourself in a warm woolen sweater and hiding from the world? Now apply that idea to a crowded library, bustling airport, open-plan office or CCTV-filled civic structure and you have yourself the core concept of a Hush Pod.

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Designer Freyja Sewell notes that urbanization of populations is not stopping anytime soon, and nearly two dozen cities are already home to over ten million residents. Crowding comes with the territory too, so to speak, as real estate prices respond invariably to supply and demand.

Hush pod hideaway space

Created from a single-cut piece of 100% wool felt, sewn together with wool yarn, and filled with recycled wool fibers, these seats are made to be soft, dark and warm spaces in which to retreat from what is around you, if only for a few minutes.

Hush pod hideaway space

Wool is also flexible, breathable and durable, making it an excellent all-purpose material for something made to enclose a whole person on demand and subject to the wear and tear of non-domestic uses.

More details on the Hush Pod via designer Freyja Sewell:

“Open plan offices and public buildings, CCTV, online profile sharing, cameras built into our laptops; never has it been easier for us to connect, but what about when we want to withdraw? There are now 21 cities with populations larger than ten million, and it is predicted that there will be many more in the future. It is essential to continue to develop new ways of allowing people to comfortably co-exist in these increasingly densely populated environments.”

“By creating an enclosed space HUSH provides a personal retreat, a luxurious escape into a dark, hushed, natural space in the midst of a busy hotel, airport, office or library. HUSH provides a quiet space in an age of exponential population growth, where privacy and peaceful respite is an increasingly precious commodity.”