magnetic wall system moving around

Changing up the wall adornments in a room can change the space’s whole feel and almost trick you into thinking you’ve done some major remodeling project. This type of change-up can result in some gnarly holes in your walls, though. The crazy Magnektik magnetic wall system is composed of super-strong magnets that let you decorate your walls however you like and change the look entirely in just minutes.

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The system hinges on the large sheet metal plates that are attached to walls. They can be installed atop the existing wall and left unfinished for a unique decorative look, but the Magnektik wall system is particularly awesome when the metal plates are concealed.

magnetic wall system tv
magnetic wall system options

The plates are easily concealed after being permanently adhered to walls; the joints are then spackled and the entire wall is primed and painted. The wall becomes a kind of canvas to support your every decorating whim. You can change the look of your room as simply as putting up a magnet or taking it down.

magnetic wall system shelves
magnetic wall system display

Even heavy objects like bikes or televisions can be hung up using the Magnektik system. Whatever you hang up stays put securely, but the modules are simple enough to remove and replace. This system could change the way rental properties are managed; by eliminating the need for nails and screws, renters can express their personalities and landlords can reduce the cost of making the property rentable for the next tenant.

magnetic wall system living room
magnetic wall system bracket

“Our vision… is to revolutionize the aesthetics and functionality in homes and galleries allowing people to freely express themselves and design their spaces without the constraints of tools or holes. Just the same way that furniture can be easily moved to redesign a room and make it more functional and adjusted to our needs, we feel that walls should have the same privilege of ‘design by desire.'”