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Kwon Hansol is a ‘best of the best’ Red Dot design award winner, tackling an unusual piece of kitchenware with razor-sharp logic and a dash of everyday common sense.

Like so many good design ideas, the genesis is in an ordinary object and activity that, sure, has its issues at times, but is too handy to do without and few think to try and make it better. “Divisible is a user-friendly balloon whisk that is easy to wash and store. It is a challenge to properly clean the wires of a typical balloon whisk. Thick mixtures can get stuck to the inner side of the wires, proving difficult to wipe off. Many users just rinse their whisk with water, which is not the most hygienic cleaning solution.”


“Storing the bulbous whisk can generate further dilemmas; other kitchen implements can easily become tangled with the whisk wires. Divisible is a balloon whisk that can be disassembled for easy cleaning and efficient storage. The handle splits into two, unfurling the stainless steel wires so they can be thoroughly wiped and cleaned. The male and female parts of the interlocking handle are held together by magnets.”