We are accustomed to thinking about interior design in terms of periods, colors and styles, but there are some thematic connections that persist from one period and style to the next – such as the color-and-texture combination of white and wood applied in a dining room, an intentional juxtaposition that has worked for interior designers time and time again.

White speaks to simplicity and (since the dawn of modern architecture) to cleanliness and health – certainly good associations to have with the place one eats. Wood, however, is comforting and visually variegated – it brings another level of texture to the scene as well as warmth.

These examples of wood-and-white dining rooms (from Apartment Therapy) illustrate how a single theme can run through a series of designs without any other form of overt stylistic connection. These range from rusticated to modern, clean to messy and conventional to avante garde yet the combination of wood and white brings a certain kind of continuity that spans them all. Try looking around in your own daily spatial experiences: what connects places you go and interiors you pass through besides the obvious connections we are all trained to see?