There are certain pieces of furniture which, although they may be necessary, don’t necessarily warrant a starring place in the home. Exercise equipment and storage furniture are near the top of the list, often being relegated to the dark recesses of closets and basements. Design collective PostFossil has made these objects of shame into beautifully designed objects of desire.

PostFossil’s sports furniture collection is an abstract set of workout tools that, when not in use, look a lot like other things. That chin-up bar looks an awful lot like a clothing rack and the sit-up/weight bench is quite a cute little table or stool. The designs are very pared down and made of unexpected materials – unexpected in the realm of exercise equipment, anyway.

Shoes Books and a Bike is a piece of storage furniture unlike any other piece of storage furniture. Instead of hiding away the shoes, books and bike belonging to its owner, the piece puts them on display. The bike takes center stage, being allowed out of the garage and into the living space in a place of honor. Both projects seem to send the message that health and fitness are activities to be celebrated, not hidden away out of sight and, all too often, out of mind.

In this piece, an ordinary mirror becomes something much more mysterious and interesting.

“The mirror has always been associated with legends and fairytales, fantasy and wishful thinking. Mira Miranda is a wish to give the mirror itself another role and, through this paradox, to draw attention to something else. On the one hand, It would like to emphasize the material–what does an ash tree actually look like?–and on the other hand emphasize that appearances are important, but are not everything. Perspective is just as important…
Mira Miranda is a mirror intended for an entrance hall or the bathroom or even the bedroom. The wooden dish serves as a receptacle for jewellery or small accessories.”

About PostFossil:

“Designer collective Postfossil’s work revolves around socially relevant topics, from which it derives products and projects that point to potential future alternatives. The role of the designer as communicator of complex issues and interrelationships is a central element of our creative work.”