What do these table designs have in common? Nothing, save for being somewhat uncommon … and the fact that each was inspired by (see: the post-it-note, peel-away table in the picture above by Tom Seymour) or physically built from other everyday home objects.

Stick a fork in it (or a few hundred) – this piece by Objection Design looks to be complete. Still, the semi-sharp edges of butter knives and dust-and-liquid-catching swooped surfaces of spoons seem less than ideal for the edges and tops of a regular-use table.

And along similarly somewhat impractical lines, we have this Tour de Glass table weighing in with four bicycle wheels and a sheet of glass … at a cost of around $5000 from Made in Design. For that price, one has to wonder if a few spare bikes, some simple hardware and precut glass would make for an easier (and cheaper) solution.