A series of curved shelving units, the Nautilus by Alicia Bastian is made mainly for kids but might make adults a bit jealous as well.

Featured in the Northern Michigan University’s debut exhibit at the Salone Satellite, its simple lines and white-and-wood look are made to be adapted to homes, libraries or children’s play spaces.

Conceptually, the upward curve suggests growth through learning, but also physically puts books of various reading levels at, quite literally, different levels, giving access for different age groups.

While its default arrangement is a partial circle, it can also be turned to form a wall rather than an enclosure.

Nautilus is a bookshelf inspired by the life long need for growth through learning. As an heirloom object, it contains only the family’s most valued books. The ascending pattern represents the growth of the reader’s age as well as the knowledge the reader will obtain over time in their pursuit of lifelong learning. When in linear form, Nautilus can be utilized as a room divider. When closed, Nautilus’s circular form becomes an adapted reading space.”