As iconic as the imagery of a rugged individual splitting wood in the middle of winter may be, it can be somewhat less enjoyable for the person tasked with the work. You also have to keep an eye on the fire and continuously add logs to the wood stove so it doesn’t burn out. But what if there was an easier – albeit more space-intensive – way?

This Spruce Stove is a fun take on the classic cylindrical wood stove that lets you feed in a long log like a pencil into a sharpener, so all you have to do is strip away small branches from a tree’s sides to make it fit. That means you don’t even have to chop any wood to use it. Talk about a time saver, not to mention back saver!

The adjustable aperture allows one to open or close the hole into which the wood is fed based on the diameter of the log. The entire process becomes a way to measure the passage of time and clearly see how much heat one has left before needing to knock down another tree to feed the fire.

“Spruce Stove is a new approach to burning wood. A complete tree trunk can be fed into this compact stove. The aperture is a diaphragm and encloses seamlessly around the tree. By gently pushing the trunk inwards during the burning process the experience lasts as long as the trunk. The design and concept of the Spruce Stove arose from a collaboration between Roel de Boer and Michiel Martens.”

“If you look at our surrounding you see almost everything is static. If you look at nature instead you see everything is moving, a constant transition, evolution. We foresee a future in which everything is moving, fluid, interactive matter, a living environment,” says Michiel Martens, who now partners with fellow designer Jetske Visser as Martens & Visser.