Modular furniture that you can rearrange when and how you like seems to be gaining popularity with designers. Giving users the freedom to create their own furniture is a powerful design statement that Matali Crasset uses to a beautifully minimalist effect with the Self-Made Seat.

The Self-Made Seat is a series of blocks which come in two sizes. The larger modules form the seats and backs for your furniture creations. The smaller pieces make up the armrests and footrests. Each piece is a neutral khaki color with a sturdy orange strap that forms a handle on the top for easy moving and rearranging.

One of the designer’s goals in the creation of this modular furniture series was to make furniture that could be moved, rearranged, and adapted throughout the day as the users’ needs change. What was a simple armchair in the morning could become a large sofa in the evening, or even a kids’ play area on the weekends.

There are no fasteners needed to hold the Self-Made Seat pieces together. They are sturdy enough to stand on their own, though of course they will topple over if pushed. The designer recommends positioning your furniture creations agains a wall to keep them together. Crasset designed the series for Italian furniture company Campeggi.

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“The Self-made seat roots from a refusal of seeing sofas monopolize the living space in our homes. Playing on a profile presented in 1998, this arrangement can be changed around depending on the activities, the number of people and the time of day. It really encourages you to rearrange your space and be comfortable within. We often say we don’t have enough room but we usually lack the tools to gain space, making the structure flourish depending on its activities, the number of people present and the time of day.”

“It allows for more room for the kids to leave their toys everywhere, or to briefly enlarge the area to have lunch with friends … you can always find a reason.”