Like some kind of industrial magic trick, this design by Casulo challenges our very ideas of compact, portable and transforming furniture. It seems impossible that a bookcase, wardrobe, bed, mattress, multiple stools and more could all start out tucked away in a simple rectangular box just31 by 47 inches in size – but here it is: an all-in-one interior design with everything needed for a living room, bedroom and office packed into one small box.

The entire system can be deployed in just ten minutes, requires no additional tools and (as you might have guessed) every single part of the box is used in one way or another in the final design. Every time you move, or want to reconfigure a space, or have to put something into storage … would these steps not be much easier with a furniture system that simply collapses back in upon itself when not needed?

Above and beyond its appeal as a normal retail item, one could easily imagine colleges providing these to new students in bulk or disaster relief agencies deploying these in devasted regions to quickly help people have a home again. In short: the applications of these are far more than just a clever item available at your local store.