In too deep, or still safe and shallow? Now your boots will tell you for sure – and down to an inch (or centimeter) of detail. Sometimes good design is as simple as adding something cosmetic that also has a twist of functionality … or might brighten a dark and rainy day for you or someone around you.

Simple hard-rubber galoshes with black soles and single-colored sides, these are the epitome of elemental style and classic construction.

They also come in the typical traditional yellow and black varieties, as well as other less-common colors from green, purple, red and orange to light and dark shades of blue.

What sets them apart from any other is just the added white text indicating the ‘rain level’ (also their brand name) on the side, and the ruler-like marks that show how high the water is getting around you. Red is reserved as a warning for when you may be in over your depth.