Too cheap to hunt garage sales or Craigslist for a new lamp? Well then, what could be cheaper than free? Assuming, of course, you are not too cheap to own a computer – but if you were, how would you be reading this? The Poor Light from Poorex is part design, part statement, and entirely free to download. The fun “free lamp” design is a conceptual product but one with at least a semi-practical application – after all, you can use it to at least dimly illuminate a space.

Variants on this idea include using cheap kids-room glow-in-the-dark stars, reformed into a lamp, or cutting a hole in hanging fabric set in front of the most free source of all: sunlight.

More info from Poorex

“A module –  lamp pictogram accompanying the design, appears in various situations, emphasizing the places where the light, though present, is not encased within the frames of the object used to lighten a given area. THE POOR LIGHT collection also includes objects of other shapes. The common feature of all pieces belonging to the collection is the deceitful manner in which the illumination of a given space is treated. The design is open and continually supplemented with new elements.”

“The curtain with a silhouette of a lamp cut off makes it possible to appreciate the daylight which appears after the zip is unfastened. The stars in the kid’s room arranged in the shape of a night lamp make you fall asleep as quickly as their light fades. A design similar to ‘Screensaver,’ however this time the lamp is available via the net. It requires only a mouse click to enter a website to enjoy the romantic light. An installation disc which can be used to install the screensaver on your computer in order to admire delicate and romantic light emitted by the screen.”