Some of us prefer to keep our photos in albums or pictures on our computers, but for people who need a bit more color in their lives (and/or bathrooms), there’s an intriguing new option.

Instead of going with standard (and frankly boring) tile, why not create a scene with customizable photo tile murals? The surfaces are still as durable and easy to clean as ever, but way more visually interesting, and there are some very life-like landscapes tiles created to replace some of your conventional ceramic or glass tile pieces.

While they are mainly intended for bathroom floors and walls, these vibrant photo tile mural designs can also be applied to living rooms, kitchens (even bedrooms) and other areas of the house – the before-and-after image set above illustrates one way of integrating them with surrounding red-and-white wall-and-furniture color schemes.

Whether tile will seem warm – even with the brightest of images – in a more common area of the house is perhaps somewhat questionable, but you have to admit, even just by looking at the photos, you can’t call these murals ‘sterile.’

According to the tile designers of Okhyo, each photo is unique and used in only one interior. Nonetheless, the best way to ensure that one-of-a-kind creation – and personalize the work at the same time – is of course to use your own photograph or illustrated image as the basis for your tile pattern. Perhaps something a little more original than a typical nature view or environmental vista?

Want to take it a bit further? You can create your own sunset, beach scene or other soothing naturalistic decor right behind your bath tub. It might be a bit kitsch, but it beats paying to buy that panoramic window view in real life or staring at a blank white tile wall, right? Well, maybe.