Just because you have pets doesn’t mean you have to give up your stylish pad. Forget about the torn-up plaid dog bed or the obnoxiously ugly plastic cat food dishes. The products from Architect Pets keep your home looking classy while giving your pets comfy places to relax and play.

The typical dog bed is basically a big pillow that lies on the floor. The beds from Architect Pets are more like tiny sofas that are perfect for an afternoon nap in the sun.

Good luck getting a cat to sleep in one of those pet sofas, but these scratch toys would no doubt be a hit with even the most discerning feline. The sisal pads are replaceable, so even after your cat goes nuts on it and wrecks the original pad, a new one can just be snapped into place.

Both cats and dogs can enjoy Pet Architects’ food dishes. Modern ceramic, wood, and metal combine to make surprisingly chic feeding bowls. And the best part is that you won’t have to stash them in a closet before company comes over.