Ironing is one of the most-hated household chores, but ironing shirts is particularly frustrating. Siemens has developed a shirt-ironing machine that could save millions of hours all over the world. The machine actually dries shirts from the inside out using forced air, prolonging the life of the garment while saving you from the dreadful chore.

The Dressman shirt ironing machine has a dummy-like base onto which you slip a freshly tumble dried shirt. It is clamped and smoothed out in position, then you select the appropriate drying program. Press the button to start the cycle and the shirt inflates with warm air. Drying takes approximately six and a half minutes, or about 90 seconds less than it takes most humans to iron a shirt. After the warm air portion of the cycle, the machine forces cold air through the shirt to set the job.

There are 12 programs to choose from, letting you dry anything from cotton to silk without harming the fabric at all. Unfortunately, if you want one of these bad boys you’ll have to live in Germany – that is the only country in which the Dressman is currently available.