Snuggling is an essential if rarely-discussed component of a comfortable sleeping arrangement for many (pairs of) people, usually aided indirectly by soft mattresses and/or strategic sheet and pillow usage.

A firm, flat mattress just isn’t that great for cuddling on its own, failing to make way for all of the contours of the human body. No matter what you do, you end up with an arm falling asleep, or all too aware of somebody else’s bony limb beneath you.

This bed-topping design by Mehdi Mojtabvi proposes a different-but-parallel approach, turning a single-piece cushioned support into multiple modules. The resulting strips create optional gaps into which an arm, leg, foot or hand can comfortably slip in order to wrap around a loved one (or perhaps survive being crushed by an over-snuggling canine best friend).

The ergonomic design is also intended to help keep the spine aligned in a natural position for healthier sleep.

As for finding cozy positions, nothing is mandated by the layout in particular – each fold can flex open or closed depending on usage, leaving it up to individuals (or pairs) to make use of it as they will. That means it’ll fit just about anybody, which is a big plus.

“The Cuddle Mattress (also known as Love Mattress) concept was designed back in 2007 by Mehdi Mojtabavi as a personal project. Soon after winning the Red Dot Design Award in the same year, the Cuddle Mattress started gaining lots of publicity all over the world! People connected immediately with the idea and we realized that this might be the solution to a very common problem.”

“Mehdi is an industrial designer and creative leader who bridges the artistic and engineering aspects of ID. He has an insatiable desire for innovation and creation.”

The Cuddle Mattress is now available for purchase, with free shipping worldwide and optional sheets specially made to fit the product.