The ultimate in eco-friendly mobile living, this ingenious residential bike trailer idea from Tiny House Design is perhaps not as far fetched as it might first appear. After all, small or big, portable homes have similar security issues and bikes can pull quite a bit of weight and existing bike trailers can haul up to hundreds of pounds.

The designer has suggested it could be built from a heavy-duty trailer base around eight feet long and three feet wide with curved walls made of plywood and, foam board for exterior insulation, wood doors and windows and thin aluminum for cladding.

There is no doubt that the quarters would be extremely cramped but would it be that much worse than camping in the woods? A standard-height individual could sleep fully horizontal with their legs tucked under a kitchen, storage and shelving area in the rear of the mini-camper.

A small battery could be added to provide electricity for kitchen essentials during stops or renewable energy could be employed (solar or wind) in order to supply some power for cooking, lights and so on at night. Will it be built? Maybe not quite in this form, but almost certainly somehow, someday.