The wide-open oceans and seas of the world are a wonderful place to explore – from the comfort of a dry deck, at least. Some of us, though, are (justifiably) scared of swimming straight in these opaque bodies of water, always wondering what might be lurking below the surface.

This stylish yacht concept by Vuk Dragovic features a fold-out swimming pool with solid sides, floors and seating so you can relax right in the waters you are traveling through without the risk of taking a free swim with sharks or other unknown predators. You still get a similar experience, but it’s undoubtedly safer.

The Atreides yacht is designed with the purpose of solving the problem of fear of the deep and to enable people safe swimming and enjoyment in the middle of the ocean without having to worry about any sea creatures below.”

Of course, this built-in swimming pool design would be a great adaptation for traditional houseboats as well, which are often limited in terms of their permanent ‘built’ footprint but could probably get around certain code issues by having a temporary pool. Plus, the design of the Atreides modern houseboat itself is pretty slick.

The back and sides of the extending section slide out smoothly from the back of the boat, while flip-down panels fold into place. The folding action for the bottom part is essential to avoid conflict with the underwater motor, centered underneath the main hull of the yacht.

About the designer:

“Vuk is a Serbian industrial designer based in Shanghai with a passion for creating functional and aesthetic solutions. With extensive professional and educational experience in Asia and Europe, he uses a blend of Eastern and Western approaches to product design. His designs have ranged from furniture to consumer electronics, with many concepts featured in design media worldwide.”