When you love literature, every favorite book has a distinct feel to it. Your mind creates a mental ambiance that defines your experience of that particular book. Designer Flora Chan designed a series of teas that add another layer of experience to reading the classics.

Prologue teas each contain a unique blend of spices and loose tea leaves that Chan formulated based on the plots of classic literature. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Moby-Dick, Lolita, Don Quixote, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and The Great Gatsby are all represented in the set.

The tea tins feature pictures and motifs that characterize each novel. Sherlock Holmes’ pipe, Moby-Dick’s white whale, and Lolita’s red lips are all recognizable icons from these famous books.

The loose leaf teas and their distinctive flavors would be the perfect accompaniment to an afternoon spent reading a great classic book. It’s not often that you can imagine a whole other world while also tasting it.

Via Fast Company:

“Flora Chan’s own musings got her thinking about tea, and more specifically, what The Great Gatsby might taste like were it reincarnated into an herbal beverage. According to Chan, it’s a green tea–inspired by the symbolic green light that Fitzgerald wrote about–with notes of apple, mint, blackberries, plum, and raspberries. Whereas the zany and unpredictable world of Alice in Wonderland would taste like a (highly caffeinated) maté with mango, lemongrass, pineapple, and coconut.”

“The vibrant colors in Alice in Wonderland parallel its colorful cast of characters,” Chan tells Co.Design. “The windmills that Don Quixote infamously mistakes for giants, as well as Sherlock Holmes’s iconic pipe, are featured as well. And the whale, of course, is Moby-Dick.”

About Flora Chan:

“I am a multi-disciplinary designer and creative strategist with particular fluency in identity systems and brand experience. These days I spend most of my time researching, prototyping and conspiring about the future of brands with the fine folks at Redscout.”