This clock doesn’t just tell you what time it is – it automatically orders pizza when you tell it to. The world’s first smart clock that will feed you, too, PizzaTime by Artefact Group uses the Edison platform to connect to the Domino’s Pizza Tracker API so all you have to do is press down on the button, twist it to your pizza choice and press down again to order.

You pre-program the clock with payment information and your favorite types of pizza to streamline the process, so as long as you’re predictable in your pizza selections, it literally takes no more than the push of a button to have food at your door within 30-45 minutes. The clock was created as part of Intel’s global IoT Hackathon Roadshow, in which designers spend 48 hours imagining and creating.

“PizzaTime won’t exactly be winning us productivity awards any time soon,” says Artefact, “but our goal was to demonstrate the potential for the Internet of Things to be not only utilitarian, but also delightful. It is these edge scenarios and sort of Mad Lib situations that make the Internet of Things so exciting.”

Want to create your own? The designers offer up the ‘recipe’ on their website, including the code and an app for displaying the pixel images on the clock face.

About Artefact Group

“As consultants, we do plenty of client-oriented software development: building new websites and digital experiences, creating mobile apps, adding features to existing software, helping to improve process and workflow, and building prototypes for our clients’ great ideas. We’ve also created solutions to our internal barriers to collaboration under our sister company, 10,000ft.”

“As the engineering arm of a company that also offers user experience design, interaction design, industrial design, product strategy and a host of other services, we end up touching a bunch of things that are not typical engineering responsibilities (at least for me). This includes embedded software drivers for new hardware, virtual reality, 4k touch displays, voice recognition, unity gaming, BrakePack and PizzaTime. That’s right, PizzaTime!”