Today’s offices are changing. No longer do we crave that huge corner office with the glass walls and the massive wooden desks, nor do we want the air hockey tables and Slushie machines of the 90s. The modern office is all about smart, flexible, multifunctional design.

German furniture company Ophelis has created a line of office furniture called Ophelis Docks. The “Docks” are like islands in the office where different tasks are carried out. A sitting area here, a brainstorming zone there, a wall cupboard for storage and a desk for doing some serious grown-up working.

Each of the pieces in the line is designed with similar dimensions so that they can all fit together perfectly. Two chairs can come together to create a comfortable co-working area, or several couches can be arranged in a cozy little area for a larger meeting of the minds.

The designers call each of these sections “islands” because they can each stand on their own or be used together to create something larger. Rearranging the modules creates completely different types of spaces and functions, changing the way the pieces are used yet keeping the same cohesive aesthetic.