Are you going green yet? Here’s a brilliant and easy idea to get started on indoor farming from German company INFARM: a foldable, origami-style mini greenhouse. Their Microgarden is a foldable indoor garden kit for growing your own organic microgreens within just one to two weeks. Since the little reusable, renewable plastic garden structure is clear, you can watch your nutrient-rich plants grow to fruition until it’s time to harvest. And then you can do it all over again.
Watch seedlings grow: INFARM Microgarden
It’s a self-contained system, thus no watering is required. The plants’ roots draw moisture from the growing medium, a seaweed based agar-agar gel. The garden kit is recyclable and features three types of seeds.
INFARM Microgarden
Berlin-based INFARM is a company devoted to the “green revolution” and sustainable living, bringing indoor farming to the people. The idea is for city dwellers and anyone else to be able to grow local produce even while living in an urban apartment or development. The founders said in an interview: “the approach is based on small, smart farms. […] 50-200 square meters in size.” In other words, “small farms throughout the city which produce locally and with great variety. The farms would communicate with each other, which in a way would create one really big farm.”
Pipe Garden by INFARM
Their projects range from a “textile bathroom biotope” growing system inspired by the morning mist-collecting habits of the Namib Desert beetle to a pipe garden at 25H hotel in Zurich West to Mercedes Me, a Mercedes-Benz PopUp Store indoor farm for cultivating herbs, wheatgrass and more. Customized hydroponic growing systems are available for shops, offices, restaurants, hotels, special events and other endeavors.
Mercedes Me Pop Up with plants by INFARM
INFARM conducts research in its Green Room, experimenting with different species, watering concepts and light techniques.
INFARM Grow Room in Berlin
They offer a variety of growing modalities, from a stainless steel shelf to the above-mentioned pipes (pipe gardens are “recirculating hydroponic systems” for growing root veggies, lettuce and herbs) and a Zen-like scalable Grid Wall with an automatic watering system.
Pipe Garden by INFARM

It’s time for a revolution! One edible plant at a time.
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