Outdoor or indoor, gas or electric, the idea of a movable fireplace has become increasingly trendy in recent years – burning with beauty but without the screen, mantel, chimney or other tools and accessories that come with traditional wood-burning fireplaces (or resorting the cheap cliche of decorative faux fireplace designs).

Atria has come up with a number of custom portable fireplaces made to fit on the shelf or even to travel. One of the coolest such ideas is their fireplace ‘trunk’ which looks like a contemporary version of the classic traveling trunk, but opens to reveal a pair of mirror-backed gas burners.

This one, above, is described as “from the sparkling opening of a treasure to the flexibility of an all-terrain fireplace, the ‘Malle à Feu’ amazes and seduces observers of this transformable piece of furniture. An exceptional product with mirrored dancing flames, ‘La Malle à Feu’ combines discretion and exception.”

A similar but smaller and more portable variant, these little travel fireplaces come in a variety of colors and can be set up – almost like extra-large candles – to create pockets of light and heat, like little functional furnishings also built to work as decor. This alternative also comes with a mobile stand finished in wood tones with reflective metal highlights.

Their other ventless pieces vary from metal-and-glass faux television sets with flames instead of flickering images, or wall-hanging black-and-still fire-works that look a little like framed art but function like wall sconces in a modern-day castle home.

This box-shaped fireplace called Cameleon is another really unique and different ethanol fireplace design.

“In terms of decoration, the time has come for customization and the fireplace is no exception to the rule. If its shape is the closest to a traditional fireplace, CAMELEON is nevertheless totally innovative! The principle? Its dressing is available in 3 different colors and if you want to change it, when you renew your furniture for example or if you change rooms, nothing could be easier. Fixed by a magnet system, the cover can be removed and put in place very easily as you wish!