If you thought beds were just built for sleeping, think again – or at least sleep on it to be sure. The gadget-loaded HiCan bed design is so tech-heavy it is a virtual all-in-one stand-alone room with everything you need to read, relax and remain comfortably isolated and asleep or to stay awake and entertained. Then there’s the company’s second product, the HiBed, which performs many of the same futuristic smart bed functions in a more streamlined, minimalist package.

A theater screen pulls down at the foot of the bed for viewing television or movies. An integrated personal computer system means you can work or surf the web in bed as well. Game consoles are built in for added entertainment value. Lights for reading and shades for sleeping are also fully integrated.

While pictured here as part of large and luxurious bedrooms of various kinds, the HiCan and HiBed designs seem like the perfect candidates for a cramped urban condo or compact studio apartment as well – you could essentially put one in a room with a door and make it a bedroom interior and entertainment center entirely unto itself. These high tech smart bed designs are the future, and they’re pretty awesome.

“HiCan is a contemporary and technological cocoon, a private sanctuary where you can enjoy a new concept of lifestyle and comfort,” say the designers. “A perfect blend of design and technology to make life experience more authentic.”

“We see ourselves as early explores of the Internet of Furniture. We started reinventing the bed, which is the single piece of furniture where we spent majority of our life. We are the inventors of the first smart bed ever conceived:
HiCan, and we are now at our 2nd generation smart bed: HiBed. We think that the space around us shall be our next smart device and we are working to enable it, regardless if we are at home, in the office or in a hotel, to take care of our wellbeing and health completely contactless and effortless.”