Sheds do not sound like something you would want to live in, but as modern modular, mobile and miniature houses become increasingly popular sustainable living space options, well, even products dubbed with titles like the Big Shed and Little Shed is not such a bad idea.

There is an art to designing smalls-space structures so they are convenient and compact but also comfortable and livable – and a certain lifestyle of simplicity sought by many that makes them a good match for some people.Plus, these designs by Dwelle are relatively affordable as home prices go: you can buy ones of these all-in-one buildings (and not worry about the hassles of construction) for between fifty and eighty thousand dollars.

This surprisingly cheap and simple-yet-modern shed home is has its own living area complete with fireplace, elevated bedroom loft space and separated restroom and cooking areas. It also comes equipped with highly insulated walls and windows to conserve indoor heat or cold depending on the season, radiant solar-powered in-floor and water heating, low-energy lighting, energy-efficient appliances and a variety of sheathing and roofing options for custom sustainability and style.

Of course one of the greatest advantages of designs like these is that they work off the grid for folks simply seeking a second home, vacation cabin or otherwise non-permanent residence as well as for city, state and federal governments in need of low-income or short-term emergency housing – better than your typical flexible/temporary prefabricated mobile home by a fair margin to be sure.