Retro games aficionados with an appreciation for modern industrial design can outfit their apartments in geek chic style with an alien couch, a Space Invader couch and a Donkey Kong shelf system. Los Angeles-based designer Igor Chak took inspiration from old games for the series, preserving the memory of these digital relics in the three-dimensional world.

The retro alien couch and Space Invader couch are sleek black-and-white seating designs made of leather. The Space Invader couch even has a built-in mini fridge. While that one remains a concept, the alien couch is available for purchase.

The Donkey Kong shelves might just be the perfect place to store all of those miniature barrels you’ve been accumulating over the years. They’re made of heavy-duty glass, carbon fiber and steel rods, complete with the little green ladders to get from one level to another.

“I started to wonder, what happens to all those video game props when games become old… do they get stored away in a digital world or do they fade away with time? The famous steel beams from Donkey Kong have served there time but I could not pass by such an ingenious design.”