Killing two (conceptual, not actual!) birds with a single stone, the ‘Blanket Statement’ recycled rug project by Lisa Lefebvre is both eco-friendly in its material reuse but also environmentally-conscious in its considerate avoidance of actually-skinned bears.

Her idea is simply to put an artistic and contemporary twist on classic rug patterns, making something new out of otherwise worn-out carpets, comforters, mats and sheets, outdated both in their physical condition and in terms of their style. Aged decorative themes (ala the ‘polar bear’ below) and faded oriental patterns (like the ‘black bear’ at the top) are given a second life, stitched into something unconventional and compelling.

A freelance French designer with a master’s degree from a Dutch university, Lisa specializes in design projects that take typical home objects and mixing them with traditional materials in unique and creative ways. Though they may look tame at first glance, her designs are anything but domestic(ated).