Whether you need to escape a sinking oil platform or simply city life around you, there are few places quite so cozy and removed as these refab hotel rooms, floating off land, completely sealed and self-contained.

At first, trash artist (and alternative architect) Denis Oudendijk was just looking for a quiet place to work – an enclosed boat of some sort that would fit his own personal and professional needs.

When he realized he could buy these disused pods at discount prices, though, he started to broaden the scope of his quest, buying them and bringing them back to mainland civilization.

Designed as survival structures, each unit is necessarily independent – they are only connected by location, having been gathered into the same canal and tied off to the same sidewalk, making for truly autonomous stays despite close proximity to city streets (especially if some prankster cuts the lines while you are sleeping! But hey, at least they are designed for surviving on the open seas).