Like the weird and wonderful finds inside Alice’s looking glass, these strangely animated wood furnishings seem to have a fantasy life of their own … and viewing them is at once like looking in a warped fun-house mirror or into our own imagination.

Constructed in part from gathered wood, each piece is naturally unique and contains woods that range from birch and beech to cherry, oak, maple and bamboo with layers of paint to unify each finished work.

The series shown at the top (pictured against a beautiful green-ground and purple-sky background) is titled Slow White, but other works outside of this set show a similar tendency to err on the side of eccentric shapes and creatively recycled materials (regardless of the context).

Bo Reudler‘s website was clearly built to reinforce his furniture design approach, and flips open like your favorite dog-eared book – the tabs mark pages like Post-It Notes, filing favorites for future reference.