What could be the opposite of both clean white and deep black (in terms of design)? A crumbling and semi-concealed set of structural concrete walls, ceiling and beams may be as unlike the rest of a minimalist ultramodern layout as it gets.

Exposed, aged, chipped and cracked, the original concrete shell of this warehouse condo in Barcelona contrasts drastically with the angular black-and-white ceiling and wall surfaces that shape the interior space, folding and unfolding to reveal and hide views throughout the offbeat apartment plan.

Selectively-omitted sections between finished surface areas reveal the old hiding just below the surface of the new. There is also a fascinating juxtaposition of a concrete core and retro-modern design elements, from built-in furniture to fixtures, furnishings and other decorative accessories.

The complex three-dimensional shapes formed by intersecting walls and ceilings help to create connections between various spaces and establish a sense of dynamism and visual movement throughout. The overall effect: an otherwise drab, dank and industrial volume becomes an energetic, lively and larger-seeming (though still small-space) dwelling.