If you are going to open a window anyway, why not open a deck instead? This delightful mechanical pop-out balcony design allows a condo owner or apartment renter the flexibility of adding extra space at the push of a button without the requirement for outdoor furniture and continuous cleaning that normally come with a balcony.

The entire transformation sequence takes place in just a few short steps from start to finish and happens in under a minute. For such a simple move it has a profound impact, bringing in light and air and extending the interior space of a room to the outside world.

Perhaps best of all, this unit is designed to be a simple retrofit on existing buildings. Imagine the value impact on an already-built-out dense urban area like Manhattan where every extra square inch of property has an impact on the overall cost of a place.

Whether these become the next big thing remains to be seen, but if they are widely adopted they will change the living conditions of countless people in metropolitan areas around the world. Called Bloomframe, this remarkable folding balcony innovation was designed and developed by Hofman Dujardin Architects.

“The Bloomframe® window is an innovative window that morphs magically into a balcony within 55 seconds. It offers the user a flexible living environment. By opening the window frame, it is possible to walk out through the facade and enjoy outdoor space. The Bloomframe® window can be operated automatically with a single push of a button. The user will add light, air and space, providing him with a genuine outdoor feeling.”

“The Bloomframe® window is no longer a prototype. The revolutionary and multi-award-winning design is now in production and coming to an urban landscape near you. The first model is installed in an apartment building in Amsterdam in The Netherlands. The product’s creators, the Amsterdam-based architecture firm HofmanDujardin explain the Bloomframe® window could soon become a familiar element of the modern cityscape as more architects, developers and builders realize its considerable functional and aesthetic benefits.”