From napkins, bowls and plates down to a range of spatulas, spoons, forks and knives representing a range of sizes, this series of bread-based tableware is nothing if not comprehensive (but definitely has a limited shelf life).

Created by artist Andere Monjo, each carefully hand-crafted piece was clearly a labor of love, somewhere at the brittle-but-soft intersection of two classic crafts: dinnerware construction and meal preparation. Edible dishware is not a new concept, as anyone who has eaten out of a bread bowl can attest to, but this is definitely a unique extreme when it comes to making things from simple flour and water.

Unfortunately, the ingredients and process clearly require a bit more work before you could imagine seeing these on store shelves – getting bread to be as sharp as a knife or a serving spoon able to carry heavy loads … well, these still have a ways to go. Still, isn’t it kind of satisfying to imagine eating a whole meal with these and then snapping into them like crackers afterward? It’s a clever way to reduce waste.

Via MocoLoco:

“Flour and water were the mixed media that made up Baked Table, an unusual installation by Andere Monjo at Designersblock’s Bargehouse during the recent London Design Festival. Drawing upon the tradition of baking bread as a craft, Monjo created a complete set of tableware, including linens out of flour and water that formed dough that hardened to a more brittle state. Various seeds were used to highlight details in the ’embroidery’ or “ceramics.'”

Flour and water were an unusual choice of artistic media for artist Andere Monjo, who usually works with more conventional materials like textile, paints and canvases. But it’s interesting to see how that artistic skill translates to totally different objects, maintaining a similar organic, improvisational feel.

You can keep up with what Andere Monjo is doing these days on Instagram @anderemonjo.