There is no meme (gene-like, self-replicating idea) quite so quick to propagate online as a simple solution to an everyday problem … particularly one using household materials; they are visual in nature, recognizable to anyone, and broadly useful.

Further, few tools are needed to turn a tennis ball into a low-tech drain plunger easy to keep next to your sink … or slice away the neck-and-head bottlecap components of a plastic bottle to assemble an easy-seal plastic bag.

Then there are ‘wants’ rather than ‘needs’ – though many of these are still shared by sufficient people to be readily appreciated (and spread), like a Coca-Cola-can disguise for a beer you wish to carry in public, or a chess set that looks classy, but is built of off-the-shelf parts from your local hardware store.

Requiring no plans and likely little explanation, these ‘found object’ projects were discovered floating in the sea of social media internet sites. Unfortunately, they share something else in common: a lack of attribution, so if you know who made what, feel free to send us the details!