For those of us with a taste for brilliant design ideas and innovative applications of new technologies, there is a line between works of expressive art and functional designs. Erik Olofson is one of those artists who toys with ideas of space and society, seen and unseen, identity and perception – but whose ideas have a way of causing us to rethink ordinary places and spaces.

The result of the strange recombination of familiar spatial and architectural elements engenders a sense of dislocation as one moves through these spaces. Like any good interior designer, his work is place-dependent – the existing spaces have an impact on his artistic creations.

Also like a work of architectural or interior (or even furniture) design, this artist characterizes the experience of the space as the critical element of understanding it – the spaces themselves and objects within are only vehicles for communicating to those who pass through and around them.

Be deconstructing and reconstructing ordinary elements of construction, the art is supposed to expose the underlying tenuousness of our everyday realities – to cause us to reflect on the origins of things we take from granted in daily realities around us, including our very own home.

So perhaps it is a stretch to say that Olofson is like an architecture, interior or furniture designer in any typical way, but it does seem reasonable that his works are worth visiting for those who keep design in mind and wish to rethink the ways we ordinarily interact with the things and spaces that surround us.