Dark corners are good for little outside of collecting cobwebs, especially where walls meet ceilings up and out of reach inside of homes. But designer Peter Bristol has a clever solution that has us wondering why we don’t all have similar lamps that fit right into such an unused space in every home. It’s a glowing triangle that provides illumination from above, but in a gentler way that your standard ceiling-mounted lamp.

For stability, a steel bracket attaches is mounted to the wall itself. For easy bulb switching, magnets hold the fabric diffuser on the front. The final shape both breaks and completes the corner, though the draped cord is neither here nor there.

Here’s what the designer has to say about this corner lamp unusual lighting solution:

“A unique light source. The lamp lives in the corner of a room, creating a glowing triangle that seems to blend-in and stand-out simultaneously. A steel bracket containing the light source mounts in the upper corner of a room. A magnetically attached fabric diffuser attaches to the bracket to complete the iconic light fixture.”

According to Peter Bristol’s profile, “his work blends form with function in uniquely appropriate ways making products that are inherently recognizable. Peter is currently head of industrial design at virtual and augmented reality company Oculus.  He was previously creative director of renowned Seattle-based product development consultancy Carbon Design Group. Parallel to his work at Oculus, Peter partners with design focused companies to develop furniture, lighting and other goods.”

The modern lamp, cool as it is, doesn’t appear to be commercially available. If you want to DIY something similar on a budget, Instructables has come through for us all once again with a tutorial. All it takes is a plywood rectangular frame, an inexpensive lamp socket and cord and a piece of clear acrylic and you’ve got your own custom corner lamp to brighten up your space.