Every parent knows the piggyback phase – that special time when your little one begs to ride on your back at every opportunity. It gets tiring, though, and once a child is too old for a wearable carrier it’s tough to indulge their requests every time. The brilliant Piggyback Rider is a back carrier that lets an older child ride on your back while standing up.

Straps fit over the parent’s shoulders and hold a small platform across the small of the back. The little one puts his feet on the platform and his arms on mom or dad’s shoulders, getting a piggyback ride that’s more comfortable and safer for both.

A second set of straps keep the child secured to his parent, so even if he happens to let go of the fabric handles with his hands he won’t fall to the ground. The carrier frees up the parent’s hands as well since they no longer need to be looped under junior’s legs to keep him from falling.

Besides being a novel idea that will save countless parents from backaches, the Piggyback Rider alleviates the need to haul around frustrating strollers. And to the kids who get to ride on them, they’re sure to become a fast favorite.

“It’s no secret that parents and children alike look forward to vacations! It’s an opportunity to explore a new and exciting location and also allow your family to experience different cultures and activities to inspire their curiosity. We also understand that travel can be hectic for parents. Keep your child safe and happy in their Piggyback Rider® and never fear crowds again. Our backpack carrier for toddlers and children under 50 pounds can be a lifesaver! Our toddler carrier backpacks weigh less than three-pounds and takes up as much room as a rolled towel. Airport travel is made easy, trips on the subway are much less stressful, and you will wonder how you ever lived without the Piggyback Rider®. “