This beautiful piece of design doesn’t look like anything you would ever associate with trash, but it may possibly be the most stylish garbage bin ever designed. Swing Bin from designer Shigeichiro Takeuchi is simply a cylinder with a piece of swinging wood balanced on its top. There are no screws, no bolts, no little pieces of plastic to hold the lid on.

The lid is simply cut with two small notches in the sides. The bin has two corresponding protuberances that hold the lid in place. The lid balances perfectly on the bin, swinging open and shut with no need for help.

No trash bin, even the beautiful ones, are going to stay clean given the nature of their function. But the Swing Bin cleans up easily when you simply lift the wooden lid up and off. Although it’s beautifully designed, the Swing Bin’s appearance isn’t complex – and it certainly doesn’t give away the true nature of its function at first glance.

From the creators

“It’s so sculptural that at first glance you might not notice that it is a waste bin. Swing Bin might seem typical with a simple cylinder-shape, but if you look closely you will recognize its true uniqueness. Its diagonal opening has been dramatically cut with a wooden lid, a lid that swings and tilts. It is this simple lid that hides a magical element to make the Swing Bin distinct from all others.”

“Swing Bin has no mechanism. No screws, gears or wires to tilt the lid. It consists of only two things, a cylinder with a diagonal cut and a lid that fits precisely. Why then can the lid balance so perfectly as it swings? Do you see a very slight difference in level cut into the end of the tube? This slight but precise and delicate form enables the lid naturally balance every time you throw your trash away. Among so many waste bins in the world, only Swing bin has this naturally balanced lid that contributes to the overall simple form.”