Most things we attach to our walls are fixed, not fluid, and cannot be easily moved or changed. It is the things within our bookcases, on top of our shelves and so forth that are the mobile parts – not the furnishings, fixtures and furniture. This balancing bookshelf is a notable exception to the rule.

The idea is simple and the principles as old as physics, but the effect is varied depending on the user. Place objects within the frames, books on the shelves and see what happens. Balance is not absolutely necessary, so you could leave it off-kilter simply for effect or shift the weight to center it again.

Don’t worry: stoppers are installed to keep you from getting carried too far away. Within that, however, there is a lot of room to move. Each time you pick up a book or add a new one this design makes you ask yourself: where does that go and how does it fit into the overall balance of your collection?

The best part about this design is its role as prototype: one could imagine all kinds of balance-based additions to the home that would add visual interest and interactivity to normally-boring walls. Each one could invite different ways of engagement and engender thought on what are ordinarily everyday activities.

Via Yanko Design:

“In a perfect world, all walls would be made from super durable, screw loving materials. They would also be sound proof and bullet proof…you never know. Well, if you are one of the lucky few with Dura-walls, you can still get your anxiety fix from this clever bookshelf design by Denis Oh – no he didn’t! Like a circus balancing act, this bookshelf called “Maintain The Balance of Your Knowledge!” shifts and swings from side to side depending on the placement of your books. If your books on politics tend to lean to the left, so does your shelf, if it is more to the right, then the shelf will go with the flow and lean towards war in Iraq. Weighted with hanging counter-balancers, you can even the playing field out at any time with a simple adjustment… or compassion.”