A kit of parts perfect for day spend working in a park (power pending), on spare sidewalk space or at a friend’s place, this collapsible furniture system is simple and just a touch rustic, feeling familiar and comfortable while retaining surprising multi-functionality.

From its creators: BOXED is a piece of multi-functional and adaptable furniture. It can be a coffee table, a desk, two stools and a lamp. All of these elements can be extended by the simple introduction of another part to suit the user’s need. These parts then all collapse back down to their most basic form, allowing them to be returned to the case that they are stored inside.”

Boxed from Tyrone Stoddart on Vimeo.

The carrying case is sized similar to a large suitcase for easy portability, and the pieces fit together in a simple and intuitive fashion for simplified assembly – no bells or whistles, just the basics needed to set up a temporary seating, meeting or working station.

There is also an environmental component to the project that provides one final surprise. The use of waste materials just ups this furniture system in a box to the next level, making it even cooler than it already was.

“Chalara or ash dieback as it is more commonly known, is a disease that is wiping out ash trees all over the country. The concept of BOXED is not only to be an incredible useful and functional piece of furniture but also to educate the customer about ash dieback and the use of materials in all their products. With this in mind, a small pouch of ash seeds is given to the consumer to go out and re-plant to ensure that there is an understanding of the problem of dieback but also to replenish the materials that have been used in this project.”