These rolling pins aren’t just functional kitchen implements for rolling out pie crusts, they’re alternative design tools that enable amateur cooks to create edible dishes and express themselves in a new way. ‘Rollware’ from the Piet Zwart Institute of Rotterdam is part of the ‘Altered Appliances’ project, which investigates how low-tech appliances can be repurposed to encourage creativity.

Rollware includes nine rolling pins with various shapes and patterns laser-cut into their wooden surfaces. The purpose? Making your own edible dishware. Four of the pins will create bowl and plate shapes in various sizes, while the others add textural visual interest.

These simple manual kitchen tools essentially comprise a small home fabrication system for the creation of edible pastry dishes.

Other edible dishes include a set of flour-based place settings by artist Andere Monjo and an edible cookie cup. The cool thing about ‘Rollware’ is you can keep churning out more, and experiment with adding different flavors and colors.

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“Altered Appliances is an exhibition presenting projects that investigate the retooling of industrial low-tech appliances and gadgets to offer alternative design solutions and experiences for today’s kitchen. The exhibition is staged as a live demonstration presenting the process of making. The kitchen was the inspiration for the design projects. Historically, the kitchen as a domestic room grew from the need to house a variety of activities related to consumption. It is a story of the making of the modern home and its components, and on the shifting place and development of the most technological, equipment-laden and factory-like room of the home.”

“Rollware is a set of laser-cut rolling pins designed as a tool for the production of bread-based edible dishware, which are adorned with customised and useful patterns. The sustainable products merge traditional crafts, tableware production and cooking with digital technology.”