Know anyone who has ever cracked their phone screen? Yes, we thought you might. We’ve all heard horror stories of new phones falling out of pockets and onto concrete, and those tales rarely end well. The fancier the phone, the more fragile, apparently. And the replacement costs are another horror story. Where, oh where is the unbreakable iPhone case of our dreams?

Turns out, it’s this one: the Limitless iPhone Case by Mous, a stylish option with military-grade protection that will keep one of the most expensive gadgets you own from suffering a terrible accident.

“Limitless is engineered from the ground up to be a super slim case that offers maximum protection,” the designers say. “The ultra-efficient, impact-absorbing case uses Airo Shock technology to offer incredible iPhone drop protection from 45 feet.” On their website, they do share video proof of said phone surviving a fall from that height from the top of a crane. Pretty impressive, we admit!

So what is this magical Airo Shock stuff? It’s a smart, military-grade shock-absorbing material that is compact while offering superior cushioning. “Our unique patent-pending process involves injecting the material with micro crystals that turn into micro air pockets at high temperatures,” the Mous technical team says. (Not sure if it’s available for purchase as a body wrap for skiers or skaters, but we’re all over that as a future business idea.) And, even with all of its shock-absorbing material, Limitless adds less than two millimeters to the thickness of an iPhone and weighs just 42 grams, so you’d barely notice the difference.

Unlike other protective phone cases, the Limitless offers several finishes so you can match your style: there are two wood options — bamboo and walnut — or you can go for black or white marble, leather or Kevlar. It also fits all iPhones 6 and 7 models, and the thoughtful design still allows easy access to the headphone jack, charging port, speaker and microphone on both iPhones. Nice to have an accessory that can upgrade alongside your device for a change, right?

One last cool feature of the case is the embedded steel plate that you can use for magnetic mounting. One free mount is included with every pre-order, but you can also add a Flex Mount for a small additional fee. This tool lets you change the angle of your phone to suit your needs. Want to watch a video? Simply turn your Limitless case horizontal with the Flex Mount. Sun giving glare off your screen? Twist it slightly to deflect it.

The company does suspect that Limitless buyers will want more than just one magnetic mount to use around their house, so they offer the chance to get a second mount and even a second flex mount for free using their referral system. That way you can have one for charging, another for reading recipes when you’re working in the kitchen, one in the bathroom so you can listen to music while you take your shower and so on.

The Limitless phone case isn’t the Mous company’s first venture into world of phone accessories. They’ve already launched the Mous Musicase, which stores and unrolls your headphones so they are always there when you need them, minus those infuriating tangles. We will be curious to see what these designers think up next!